Promote your business with Custom Printed T-Shirts.

Create a professional look with basic polyester printed t-shirts personalised with your company name, text, or your unique design. You can also print your business logo on these customized polyester printed t-shirts and use them at trade shows, corporate functions, sporting events, or as employee uniforms in beauty and spa salons, gymnasiums, and other industries.

Our customisation process to order a basic polyester t-shirt is user-friendly. You can start by selecting a color, followed by the required quantity. Next, click on 'Browse Designs' to enter the templates gallery, where we host hundreds of design styles. You can either pick a design or choose to upload your complete artwork. Finally, add your text and photos, preview the design, and place the order.

So, don't wait until the last minute, and choose to print a custom polyester tshirt online today!

Vistaprint India customizes all its products in facilities located within India. Some of our raw materials, intermediate components, and consumables used in the manufacturing of the final product could be from one or more countries. As we follow Global Sourcing, one product is likely to have a different country of origin depending on the batch sold.

Country of origin: India

Basic Polyester T-shirts Men & Women

Vistaprint offers Polyester T-shirts design templates in assorted styles.